Contact Us
Well. We’re expecting questions. Follow our recomended recipe to get your answer 😉
Recipe for success
There are 120 attendants. We’d love to answer each one directly, but that might make us overloaded. Therefore we recommend to try these steps first. If you don’t get your answers by these steps, don’t hesitate to e-mail or SMS us.
- Form/create your question.
- Ask a friend OR in the messenger group (Wedding related questions A&P)
- If you’re not a member of the group, SMS us for the invite.
- If this recipe doesn’t work. E-mail us. If answer is wanted within 24-hours, send SMS saying that e-mail is sent. Or SMS if more than 3-days reply.
Aga and Petter:
Contact nr. Petter: +47 47623322
Contact nr. Aga: +47 92919087
Wedding locations
Venue location:
Location: Czarna 802, 37-125 Medynia Łańcucka, Poland
Name: Ernestowka
Church location:
Location: Bazylika pw. Ducha Świętego w Przeworsku (33km from venue)
Name: Bazylika pw. Ducha Świetego w Przeworsku