Travel and accomodation

As known, the wedding is to take place in Poland in the area of Łańcut (pronounced as Wine-tsoot). This page will guide you on how to travel from the nearest (international) airport and to the different places where the event is to happen. First off:
Venue location: Czarna 802, 37-125 Medynia Łańcucka, Polen (Ernestówka)
Church location: Kościelna 7, 37-210 Przeworsk, Poland (Bazylika pw. Ducha Świętego w Przeworsku)

From / to Łańcut

Recommended arrival (international) airport: Crakow (Balice) Airport
In generel we recommend airport destination or departure to/from Crakow Airport, this is due to the shortest travel to and from Łańcut. There is possibility of taking the flight to Warsaw or other airports, but the distance and connections aren’t as good as the recommended one.

To make everything easier, we’d actually recommend car rental. But if this option isn’t optional for any reason then I recommend continue reading for more information.

If one is thinking of using public transport, then one has to get from Crakow Airport to Crakow Centre. The easiest and quickest way is using the airport train. It normally leaves every 30. to 60. minutes, and it’s just a 5-10 minute walk from the baggage claim, then it’s normally a 17-20 minute ride. Another option is either bus (very slow) or taxi (quick, but more expensive and actually slower than train).

From Crakow Centre to Łańcut:
I’ll list the alternatives first for quick overview, then I’ll give some recommendations and comments regarding each of them.

  • 1. Private bus (But there are some conditions for this one)
  • 2. Train
  • 3. Public bus
  • 4. Maxitaxi

Regarding option 1: Me and Aga has discussed if renting a private bus and driver from Krakow Centre to Accomodations, departing friday evening from Cracow. Departing for example 2100 (9pm) the 20. of june. BUT, Petter and Aga unfortunately doesn’t have the capacity to organize this. If there are more than 25 people interested in this option, we could try delegating the organizing task to 1-2 non-polish/international and 1-2 polish people to make this happen.

Regarding option 2: Me and Aga in general has used this option for travelling to and from Cracow if car wasn’t an option. In general the trains are on time, there’s rarely a delay and they are quite quick. The travel takes from 2,5-3 hours. Prices range from 35pln (polish złoty) to 70pln one way, they usually don’t much above or below that price, even if you book it 1-hour before departure. We do recommend to pre-buy the tickets minimum 2-days before departure, or else you might end up having no seat for the ride. The website can be accessed through

From Łańcut train station to accomodation one will have to do taxi. You’ll most probably have to ask me or Aga to help ordering the Taxi.

Regarding option 3: Public bus. We’ll… We don’t really recommend this one. I’ve used companies such as FlixBus or similar from Cracow to Łańcut, but they’re often delayed. If you’re known regarding how to travel within Poland, and you’ve used it before then go for it. According to my experience, they’re delayed more than 50% of the time. When delayed, one could end up waiting as long as 4-5 hours, but they eventually get you there. Price for bus ranges from 20-50pln.

Regarding option 4: This is an option. I’ve never used this one, but one can if wanted. It could be useful to know that there’s quite some price difference between the different taxi companies, especially when one travels intracity. I usually use Megataxi, which can contacted for example through (+48)19625, but this company requires that one speaks polish. Depending on which taxi company one uses, a ride from Cracow Airport to Centre cost from 70pln to 200pln. Unfortunately I have no idea what the price for taxi from Cracow to Łańcut.

Accomodation in Łańcut area

So to the accomodation. We’ll this one isn’t straight forward. The reason for this is that the venue, church and Łańcut isn’t in the exact same area. And since the venue is located somewhere in the forest. A beautiful venue, but at the cost of not having everything in one location. I’ll therefore make a list, which includes the distance from accomodation to venue. (Distance in parenthesis is location from venue to accomodation)

  • Hotel Sokół Wellness & SPA (11km)
  • Hotel Łańcut (12km)
  • Hotel i Restauracja VIS a VIS, Łańcut (10km)
  • Chalet at Ernestownka (ONLY 30m, fits 8 people, but only one bathroom)
  • Apartamenty przy Parku (10km). Can be found at
  • 3 Bedrooms Premium Bella Rosa for 8 Guests (18km). Can be found at